Baby Monitor

Baby Health: Are Wireless Baby Monitors Safe for Radiation?

Baby Health: Are Wireless Baby Monitors Safe for Radiation?

Parents need to understand the risks and Wireless Baby Monitors Safe for their child’s health. Monitoring systems and baby monitors are incredibly useful to keep an eye on your child, detect Sudden Infant death Syndrome (SIDS), and keep an eye on them. Your child will be exposed more radiation if you have more features in your baby monitor.

It is important that you consider all features before buying your first baby-monitoring device. We also recommend that you look beyond marketing hype to determine what is best for your baby and you. Some models may broadcast radiation levels that could be harmful for your baby. Baby monitor safety

To ensure your child’s safety and health, we also include a health score when reviewing the best baby monitors.

Can baby monitors cause health problems for babies?

Baby monitors transmit audio and visual signals via a variety radio frequencies. Different monitor models will emit different radio frequencies, which could pose potential health risks for your baby.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer was established in 2011. It is part of the World Health Organization.

Baby monitors today use DECT and FHSS technology that operates at frequencies ranging from 1.89 GHz up to 2.4 GHz. These electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are also used in WiFi routers and microwaves. There are concerns about high radiation levels.

When powered on, baby monitors equipped with an ongoing video transmission emit strong bursts in microwave radiation. These bursts can be up to 100 times a second even when the monitor is in standby mode.

See also  What is a baby-monitoring device?

What are the health side effects of baby monitors?

Baby’s skulls are thinner to allow continued growth and brain development up to the age 20. At that point, they are considered fully developed. Therefore, the brain of a baby is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation in these formative years.

Below is an illustration of how electromagnetic radiation affects a child’s head when it is placed next to a cell phone.

Because a baby’s brain develops very quickly, even small exposures can have serious long-term effects. The following are side effects and possible dangers from electromagnetic radiation exposure at high levels:

  • The brain may not develop properly or in a satisfactory way.
  • Disruption to a baby’s bed cycle.
  • Negative effect on the immune systems
  • Negative effect on the reproductive system

Baby’s brains and bodies are in rapid development, so these side effects are magnified. A 2012 study conducted by Andrew Goldsworthy, an ex-lunchmaster at Imperial College London, showed that the incidence of autistic spectrum disorders has increased 60 percent in recent years. The study found that this increase could only be explained by changes to our environment.

Mobile phones, WiFi routers, as well as low-frequency electromagnetic fields from household appliances, are all more prevalent in our daily lives. This means that we are more vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation than ever.

How can you protect your baby from the radiation of a baby monitor?

There are two key factors that can lower the radiation levels emitted from baby monitors.

  1. Opt to use a low-frequency monitor
  2. Place the monitor at a safe distance to your baby’s crib.
See also  The Ultimate Guide to the Best Baby Monitor

Low-frequency RF video cameras

You should choose a baby-monitoring device that emits on low frequencies (35-50 MHz). These low frequency monitors use analog frequency modulation, which is similar to an FM radio. It does not emit radiation bursts.

However, there is a trade-off. While lower emission monitors can be safer, their signal quality is lower, . This can lead to a few problems, including

  • The audio and video quality of audio and video may not be as clear.
  • The signal quality quickly deteriorates, and it doesn’t work well against walls.
  • Interactive features like music triggering or two-way communication will be limited.

The good news? Some of the most recent digital baby monitor models allow you to switch between low-frequency audio or high-frequency videos depending on your current needs. Voice-activated mode allows you to only use the higher frequency as needed. Check out our review of Eufy SpaceView.

Safe distance between the crib and baby monitor

A wireless baby monitor should be placed at least 6ft / 1.8m from the baby’s crib. Digital cordless baby monitors that are less than 3.2 feet (or 1 meter) from baby’s crib emit almost as much radiation as cell phones towers 500 feet/150 meters away.

Are there Safe Baby Monitors?

To be totally safe, you should only trust your own eyes and ears. However, shield your child from all radios and electromagnetic frequencies. No WiFi, microwave, or cell phone.

This isn’t practical. For most parents, a baby monitor can be extremely helpful in keeping an eye on their child as well as taking care of other household items.

See also  The Ultimate Guide to the Best Baby Monitor

You should look into low-emission baby monitoring models if you are concerned about interference. These monitors are available in two versions:

  • Low emission analog baby monitors these emit the lowest possible level of pollutants. Analog monitors transmit only sound over the frequency band 49 MHz.
  • Low-emission digital baby monitoring systems: they offer a solid replacement to analog monitors. They have a frequency of between 1.89GHz and 2.45GHz. Some digital monitors have voice-activated features that allow you to lower the electromagnetic frequency. As we mentioned, the Eufy SpaceView offers this option.